Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Ten Commandments: Words of Truth

Each morning I read Devotions for Men on the Go by Steven Arterburn and Bill Ferrel. Today's devotion is especially relevant in light of the recent Supreme Court decisions. The following entry is the devotion, in its entirety. There is nothing for me to add. Enjoy.

To Read: John 17:17-26

There is a cleansing quality to truth. Those who are willing let it cleanse their souls, and they find freedom and consistency in their lives.

People look everywhere for truth. They set out on what they consider the pursuit for truth, thinking that it is somehow randomly available throughout the universe. In contrast, Jesus says to God the Father, "Your word is truth" (John 17:17, NIV)

In his New York Times best seller The Gifts of the Jews, Thomas Cahill wrote:

[The Ten Commandments] require no justification, nor can they be argued away. They are not dependent upon circumstances, nor may they be set aside because of special considerations. They are not propositions for debate. They are not suggestions. They are not even (as a recent book would have us imagine in the jargon of our day) "ten challenges."

They are exactly what they seem to be - and there is no getting around them or (to be more spatially precise) out from under them. But the only thing new about them is their articulation at this moment amid the terrifying fires of Sinai. They have been received by billions as reasonable, necessary, even unalterable because they are written on human hearts and always have been. They were always there in the inner core of the human person - in the deep silence that each of us carries within. They needed only to be spoken aloud.

Indeed, God's truth is not open for debate, and it is not something we can rationalize or negotiate. There is only one place you will find ultimate truth, and that's in the pages of God's written Word, the Bible.

Jesus, cleanse my life with your truth.


Blogger Danny Sims said...

Nice post. God is who He is, whether we see Him or not. His truth is secure. It doesn't 'need' me to embrace it for it to be real truth.

3:53 AM  

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