Sunday, January 08, 2006

Chasing My Heart

I have been excited about the new year for a number of reasons. One thing that I look forward to each year is selecting a new devotional for the year. For 2006 I have chosen The Ransomed Heart, by John Eldredge. I have read much of Eldredge's work, and have never been disappointed. This devotional is actually a collection of writings from several of his books. Reading the first several days has reminded me that life is indeed a journey of my heart, and how badly Satan wants me, because he ultimately fears who I can be. Beyond that, though, it reminds me that God is always chasing after my heart, and that He knows me and loves me.

If you are looking for a devotional for the year, I encourage you to check this one out. Find your heart.

Be good.


Blogger Bruce said...

Perhaps throughout the year you can share what you are learning, what God is revealing. Not every day but when something hits you.


7:46 AM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

Yes, that would be nice! (what Bruce said). I love it when there is a "new post" in bold by your name in my Bloglines. I hope I see more of them this year.

Do you think this is a book for men only? I know John tends to write for men. I went to a Sacred Romance conference years ago and it was powerful!

My devo for this year is an old yellow paperbook copy of "Daily Secrets" by Hannah Whital Smith, I love it. God knows what we need doesnt' he?

You and Holly are awesome. Thanks for being who you are. :)

10:45 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

Excellent choice, Travis. You'll have to keep us posted throughout the year.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

WEll, now that is three books I'll have to buy. One of the other books I'm reading is called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. Check out my last post to see what it is about.
Thanks for the recommendation.

9:23 AM  

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