Thursday, June 01, 2006

Back Seat Fun

We took a road trip to North Carolina back during Spring Break. How things have changed since my parents took my family on similar trips. The entertainment factor alone is enough to make such a trip tolerable for a kid. Look at this pic. Braden and Cara-Lee watching a DVD. I think they watched "School of Rock" about 4 times. Some things you don't see in this pic are the MP3 players and Game Boy's that both kids used along the way. What comforts these kids have - their seats will also slightly recline. I remember fighting with my brother over who got to lie in the back of the car up above the back seat, and who could lie in the back floor board. Obviously that was before seat belt laws or common sense. My kids get to fight over who gets to SIT on the right, left, or middle. I guess they don't have it so good after all!

By the way, what do you think Braden is thinking here?


Blogger Bar L. said...

WOW! My dad would have loved it if we had these things when we were growing up. I can still hear him yelling at us as we drove from CA to Maine one summer in a car with no air conditioning and three kids in the back seat - it was a Mustang!!! Not very big.

This is the cutest photo, it touches me to see siblings so close.

AND - School of Rock is one of my fave movies!!!! I love it!

1:12 PM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Yes, times have changed. I remember the year we drove to Colorado, we listened to the sound track of Beauty in the Beast at least 10 times. My daughter knew every word to every song and it nearly drove me crazy. They also played games in the back seat. They would count U-Hauls or make games of the signs they saw. Yes, times have changed.

2:22 AM  

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